Crab / lobster system. Suitable for Asian exporters


Crustaceans holding systems. 12 fiberglass tanks. 2 protein skimmers. 2 cooling towers.
1 charcoal filter large . Biological filters .uv sanitary filters. All pumps including electrical boards. Working perfectly. Holds 6 tons crabs. Temperature can go to 4 degrees perfect to prepare for air freight ,Taken down ready for new owners
Easy to reassemble as everything marked with video. I need to sell as iv closed my factory. 13000 euros. Very good price
Delivery can be arranged.
Réf  :   #8058


Crab / lobster system. Suitable for Asian exporters

0 778  English  Français
Mise à jour : 01/07/2024
Bon état
35700 Rennes
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Crustaceans holding systems. 12 fiberglass tanks. 2 protein skimmers. 2 cooling towers.
1 charcoal filter large . Biological filters .uv sanitary filters. All pumps including electrical boards. Working perfectly. Holds 6 tons crabs. Temperature can go to 4 degrees perfect to prepare for air freight ,Taken down ready for new owners
Easy to reassemble as everything marked with video. I need to sell as iv closed my factory. 13000 euros. Very good price
Delivery can be arranged.
Réf  :   #8058


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