Featured lalemand


Sells Lallemand speedboat 10.47 by 3.50.
Iveco nef 280 engine flanged 260.
250 hours of walking
Bow thruster
Double complete maneuvering station (joystick and bow thruster)
SME 200 kW
Double pinion wheel, 4-roller Picardo line turn. New furuno electronic hydro pump.
Radar, pilot, TZ, vhf, new satellite antenna, new electricity.
epirb tag. Raft 6 people
Pesca tourism two people
Ship in 3rd category
Up-to-date and unlimited navigation license.
Réf  :   #7738


Featured lalemand

3 1755  English  Français
Last update : 15/01/2024
83500 La-Seyne-sur-Mer
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Sells Lallemand speedboat 10.47 by 3.50.
Iveco nef 280 engine flanged 260.
250 hours of walking
Bow thruster
Double complete maneuvering station (joystick and bow thruster)
SME 200 kW
Double pinion wheel, 4-roller Picardo line turn. New furuno electronic hydro pump.
Radar, pilot, TZ, vhf, new satellite antenna, new electricity.
epirb tag. Raft 6 people
Pesca tourism two people
Ship in 3rd category
Up-to-date and unlimited navigation license.
Réf  :   #7738


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Last seen:  1 month ago

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