Sells Baudouin IR4n reducer for parts - Offer closed

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Sells Baudouin IR4N reducer
Reduction 2.4
it was disassembled following a shipwreck for cleaning so all the parts are in good condition!
The reducer had been revised 6 months before the sinking for 18k€ of invoice in support.
Weight 490kg

1000€ to be taken on the spot
Réf  :   #6635


Sells Baudouin IR4n reducer for parts

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Sells Baudouin IR4N reducer
Reduction 2.4
it was disassembled following a shipwreck for cleaning so all the parts are in good condition!
The reducer had been revised 6 months before the sinking for 18k€ of invoice in support.
Weight 490kg

1000€ to be taken on the spot
Réf  :   #6635


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Last seen:  1 month ago

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